Prairie Winds Veterinary Center

5370 51st Ave S, Suite A
Fargo, ND 58104


Small Animal Services

 Cat and Dog

Because of the shorter lifespan of our pets, we stress the importance of an annual and biannual physical examinations. Thorough check-ups and preventive care can help alleviate serious health problems. We offer a wide range of veterinary services to keep your companions feeling their best:

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services:  Our hospital is equipped to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services to care for your pets' complete health care needs.  Dr. Wisnewski has additional equipment for in depth eye tests including tonometry (eye pressure screening for glaucoma), slit lamp exam of eye structures and lenses for retinal exams.  Other therapy's include intensive fluid therapy, colloids, and blood transfusions. 

Surgical Services:  Our state-of-the-art surgical suite provides for the performance of a wide variety of soft tissue and orthopedic surgical procedures.  Dr. Wisnewski does a high number of eye surgeries including cherry eye, entropion, entropian, eyelid corrections, temporary tacking sutures, conjunctival and corneal surgeries and enucleations.  And of course, Dr. Burchill does all of our orthopedic surgeries. 

Anesthesia:  We utilize the safest available anesthetics to provide an extra margin of safety, especially for our older or high-risk patients. Using the most modern equipment, the patient's vital signs are monitored during all anesthetic procedures.  A technician is dedicated to monitoring your pet from start of anesthesia through recovery. Anesthesia plans are tailored to each individual patient and their health status that day.

Digital Radiology Services:  Our on-site, modern X-ray equipment provides high quality radiographs to aid in the quick diagnosis of many disorders.

Electrocardiography Services:  We provide ECG services on-site as well as consultations with cardiology specialists.  

Dentistry:  Our dental services include teeth cleaning and polishing, dental X-rays, tooth extractions and oral surgery.  We provide referrals for orthodontic work and restorative procedures.

Reproduction Services: We provide reproduction services including pre-breeding evaluations, genetic counseling and surgical services.  We also utilize referral labs for genetic disease screening tests. 

Laboratory:  Our in-house laboratory facilities provide for serum chemistry, hematology, serology, urinalysis, cytology and parasite testing. We also utilize commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations.

Permanent identification: We offer microchip identification.

Pharmacy:  We maintain an inventory of commonly used pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products and heartworm preventatives to meet the needs of your pet. We utilize an online veterinary pharmacy for any additional items to minimize client costs.  We also carry Royal Canin wellness and prescription diets.

Individualized Flea Control Programs:  We develop programs for the specific needs of your pet and your own particular environmental situation. We will review with you the best ways to control fleas in your house, in your yard and on your pet.

Dietary Counseling:  We will provide guidance regarding your pet's nutritional needs for each life stage, including dietary requirements for growth, weight maintenance and performance.  We also provide nutritional information for preventive nutrition and nutritional therapy for pets with illnesses.

Behavioral Counseling:  We provide behavioral consultations for the correction of problems such as excessive barking, chewing, spraying, scratching, digging, house soiling, aggression, anxiety and senior mental health problems.  We provide therapy programs for correction of behavioral problems and utilize turn-key consultations with a veterinary behavioral specialist.

Bathing:  Therapeutic bathing services are available.

Emergency Care:  Please call our main telephone number for instructions for after-hour emergencies.  Small animal emergencies are referred to Red River Animal Emergency Clinic. Equine emergency service is available but limited to our ambulatory capabilities.  Cases may be referred to local or regional equine centers.

Ultrasound: This is high-frequency sound waves that are used to produce images of structures within the body. This can be used to help diagnose and treat various diseases and conditions.

Laser Therapy: We use this to help stimulate healing while using low levels of light. Benefits of this include: Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth, Improved Vascular Activity, Increased Metabolic Activity, Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points, Improved Nerve Function, Faster Wound Healing.

Acupuncture: This works by stimulating both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It involves the placement of very thin needles into specific points on the body. Different effects are obtained depending on where the needle is placed. Some benefits include improved blood flow and oxygen to tissues, helps relax muscles, and it also releases natural pain relieving and anti-inflammatory substances.

Animal Chiropractic Care:  Benefits of Animal Chiropractic Care may include increased mobility, pain relief, reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, and more.